Di Panti Asuhan Itu ...

Kamis, Desember 11, 2008

Beberapa hari yang lalu seorang teman baik saya mengirim surat elektronik untuk saya. Isinya tentang kunjungannya ke sebuah panti asuhan. Sehabis membacanya, saya pikir "mengapa tidak dibagikan kepada yang lainnya?". Ternyata ia memberi izin (thanks ya). Jadi inilah sepotong suratnya. Selamat membaca.


hi, frath...

I went to the orphange yesterday.

The kids are so adorable...

You can see the pics in my facebook when you have good connection hehehe...

I like the 1 I put as the main pic, so adorable...

Somehow I wonder how lonely their life is maybe since they r still kids, they dun really feel it but as they grow, they might have questions about their life n parents tho they dun look lack of love. But 1 way or another, the love they has experienced is not as much as that given by parent n family.

They were very happy getting x'mas gifts from us.

We played with them...chit-chat...

When we went home, a boy said... "datang lagi ya, kak..."

Honestly speaking, I almost cried, indeed, I did cry.

When I was in the baby room they are so small...so not easy to reject them, so pure, cute and innocent... Lots of smile when around them being selfish, I wanna blame the parents who left them but in the other side, after listening to the stories why they left their babies (i heard from the nurses who take care of the babies), I understand the parents maybe dun have other choices if they are capable in term of financial and psychological (there are babies caused by rapist).

I believe the parents want them. When i think i feel lonely (which i still feel sometimes), how about those little babies when they grow up and realize they dun have parents or family they might get used to it....

Anyhow...I believe the LORD is taking care of them


those babies and toddlers are amazing. Yes...few is very active but they are kids. The house is very clean... The kids, as much as I see, are being taken care so well... If only I were rich...had lots of money...I would have adopted few of them hehehe....

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